People First Louisiana

People First Louisiana: Everything You Need to Know

Many times, people with disabilities do not receive the support or consideration they deserve. They may be overlooked for employment opportunities due to discrimination, neglected at facilities, or outright abused, among other things. It’s time to change this narrative, and People First of Louisiana is on the front lines making it happen. In this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about People First Louisiana, including what the organization does, how to get involved, and more.

What is People First of Louisiana? 

People First of Louisiana is a statewide group that pushes self-advocacy for people with disabilities. It’s part of a national coalition of organizations for people with disabilities and was initially funded by both the Louisiana Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) and the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council. There are currently 9 Louisiana People First Chapters spread throughout the state. The program is run by people with disabilities.

How Does People First of LA Help? 

You might be wondering whether People First of LA is actually helping people – the answer is yes! Here are a few ways that the organization is changing lives:

  • Creating a place where individuals with disabilities connect.
  • Teaching people how to advocate for themselves.
  • Informing individuals of their rights.
  • Reminding members of their responsibilities as US citizens.

Through participating in the program, individuals learn the following:

  • How to become better decision-makers.
  • Strategies they can use to live more independent lives.
  • Information about life-enriching resources available to them.

You Can Make a Difference – Disability or No Disability

There are several ways to get involved with People First Louisiana and its far-reaching mission. We’ll outline a few of them here.

Become a Member

If you want to support People First, fill out the membership application on the Arc of Louisiana website. You can apply as an advocate (with a disability), an individual sponsor (without a disability), or a sponsor organization. Only people with disabilities get the right to vote on disability-related issues.

Once you’ve completed the form with your name, address, phone number, and email address, you’re ready to submit it. Email it to The organization will take things from there.

Go to Upcoming Events

Yet another way to get involved is to attend a People First of LA event – the Annual Convention, for example. The organization hosts events throughout the year to raise disability awareness and garner support. Popping up at one or more events enables you to get to know People First a bit better; it can also help with networking. 

Get Additional Assistance with Support Coordination

If you’re covered by LA Medicaid but need more direct support for your condition, you could benefit from reaching out to your support coordinator. Support coordination professionals execute a wide variety of tasks for eligible individuals. Their goal is to help you gain access to the support and resources you need without the hassle or runaround.  

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