Navigating the Employment First Initiative: A Quick Guide 

Louisianans with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities often face less-than-ideal employment situations. Due to a myriad of factors, finding and maintaining work with a disability can seem impossible. The Employment First Initiative through the Office for Citizens with Disabilities (OCDD) seeks to change this in a big way. If you want to learn about this initiative and what it could mean for your career, you’re in the right place. We’ll cover the basics of the initiative, some of its principles, and how to access its benefits for your career. 

What is the Employment First Initiative?


Through the OCDD, Employment First is an initiative that holds to the belief that people with disabilities can secure employment. But that’s not all – the initiative dictates that employment should be the first priority. To that end, individuals who receive OCDD benefits will receive assistance and resources to help them find employment. This help will be provided on an individualized basis, given the fact that every individual and situation is different. 

The Principles of the OCDD Employment First Initiative 


We’ve explored the Employment First Initiative on a high level. Now, it’s time to dig deeper and explore the principles that drive the initiative. They include:  

  1. Equality. Individuals with disabilities, as a marginalized group, should have equal opportunities in employment. They should not be at a disadvantage. 
  2. Respect. People who have intellectual and developmental disabilities should not be mistreated or disrespected. 
  3. Appropriateness. They should be privy to typical job opportunities that drive the community. The ideal opportunity allows the individual to utilize their unique gifts and receive competitive compensation. 
  4. Community. The opportunities shared with the individual will reflect the needs of the community and the individual. 
  5. Value. Individuals with disabilities are valuable to the community and the labor market. 
  6. Integrity. Any employment services should be provided with ethics, fairness, and accountability at the forefront. 

Employment Help Offered Through the OCDD


As you can see, the Employment First Initiative stands on a strong foundation of principles and is meant to affect change in the disability community. Services provided under this initiative come directly from the LA Medicaid OCDD program or waiver the recipient qualifies for. All efforts are made to help the individual find and maintain gainful employment. Here are some of the waiver programs offered through the OCDD and the employment services one can expect: 

  • New Opportunities Waiver (NOW) – People aged three and older who need services typically provided in an intermediate care facility and want to live in the community. 
  • Residential Opportunities Waiver (ROW) – People of all ages moving from a nursing facility to a community-based setting. 
  • Supports Waiver – People 18 and over who need vocational services and require an intermediate care facility level of care. 

Supported employment is provided through all of these programs. Transportation may also be an added benefit, depending on the individual. 

How to Access Employment Help Through the OCDD


The first step in securing employment as an individual with a disability is to learn about your resources. To access employment help through the OCDD, you’ll need to contact a local governing entity (LGE). They will answer any questions you have, assist with the application process, and more.

So, there you have it – the basics of the Employment First Initiative of LA Medicaid OCDD. We hope you found all the information you were looking for, and we wish you the best as you seek gainful employment, ensuring enhanced self-sufficiency and life satisfaction. 

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